Atomic-6 Light Wing™ solar array is a novel lightweight, high specific stiffness, and redeployable solar array structure.
The structure includes one or more Atomic-6 Space Mast™ tubes, a shape memory mast with double omega (closed and non-slitted) cross section. The mast is deployed from the yoke at the root of the array. As the mast deploys, Atomic-6 Light Sheet™ solar substrates are suspended above the mast and pulled out. The solar substrate is a directionally stiffened substrate that can be populated with any type of solar cell and can support rollable or Z-fold configurations. The solar substrates are connected in series from the tip of the mast to the root by Atomic-6 Space Hinge™ flexures, a shape memory hinge that runs along the width of the substrate providing intrinsic lateral stiffness. Once deployed, the mast tensions the flexures and the substrates to achieve high axial stiffness at low mass. The root mounted deployer minimizes the cantilevered mass to minimize the modal frequency of the array. During retraction, the flexure ensures uni-stable directional behavior and assured separation of solar panels for a reliable retraction and redeployment.
Space Mast™ Tube: lighter and more reliable than hinged systems
Space Hinge™ Flexure: shape memory, directionally stiff hinge enables redeployment of Z-fold and lateral stiffness of the solar panels with no moving parts to bind or fail, reliability is maximized
Light Sheet™ solar substrate: ultra-thin and optionally stiff to minimize solar panel mass for any type of solar cell
Light Wing™, Space Mast™, Light Sheet™, and Space Hinge™ are the Trademarks of Atomic-6, Inc.